Utah Public Lands Lawsuit: How Can I Get Involved?

Here's how hunters and anglers can get involved productively and proactively in this important case.

Utah BHA
|October 10, 2024

A lot of hunters and anglers have reached out to our chapter asking how they can get even more involved in opposing Utah’s Public Lands Lawsuit in addition to signing the petition on BHA’s website. Personal emails and phone calls to key legislators and government officials go a long way. Please be respectful with your comments.  

Whether you are a Utah resident or an American citizen that is concerned with losing American public lands, here are some key officials to reach out to. Let them know that as a user of federal public lands (owned by all Americans), you believe that Utah should drop their misguided lawsuit: 

Spencer Cox, Governor 

  • Phone: 801-538-1000 

Diedre Henderson, Lieutenant Governor 

  • Phone: 801-538-1041, press option 6 

Sean Reyes, Attorney General 

  • Phone: 801-366-0260 

Mike Schultz, Utah House of Representatives Speaker 

  • Phone: 801-538-1029 

Stuart Adams, Utah Senate President 

  • Phone: 801-593-1776 

Unsure of what to say? Here are some talking points: 

  • Public lands in Utah belong to ALL Americans 
  • Every American holds an equal claim to our nation’s public lands and waters, but it’s our responsibility to protect this shared heritage 
  • History has proven that state-managed lands are often sold off or leased to private interests.   
  • Federal land management agencies have successfully stewarded these lands for over a century, balancing conservation, recreation, and resource development under a multiple-use mandate. There’s no reason to fix what isn’t broken 
  • Transferring public lands to state ownership ignores the economic realities of managing these lands, such as costs associated with wildfire and range fire prevention, road maintenance, and other infrastructure. These costs threaten to bankrupt states, forcing them to eventually sell our public lands to cover the costs 

If you are a Utah resident, you should also reach out to your district representatives in the Legislature. You can look up your Legislators and their contact info by your address here. 

Lastly, for BHA to continue fighting this lawsuit and similar issues affecting public lands, we need financial and membership support to keep the mission alive. Consider a donation to BHA and/or becoming a member if you are not already. 

Thank you for getting involved and working to keep public lands in public hands! 

About Utah BHA
Utah Chapter of Backcountry Hunters